EPSRC - Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Regenerative Medicine

What is regenerative medicine manufacturing?

Regenerative medicine is a high value field of healthcare with the potential to transform lives for the better. It covers a wide range of therapies designed to enable damaged, diseased or defective skin, bone and other tissues – and even perhaps organs – to work normally again. Our scientists have conducted research on regenerative medicine and published it for students to draw upon and do their research. You can order a research paper at essayelites.com

The regenerative medicine manufacturing sector seeks to translate these therapies to the clinic in sufficient quantity and in safe and cost effective ways to ensure the viability of the industry as a whole.

Our Centre works to equip the industry with manufacturing tools, technologies and platforms by considering the supply chain from end to end. We utilise a systems approach to draw together the many processes involved in transferring the right therapies to the right patient at the right time.


For more information on the definition of regenerative medicine and the range of current and potential application areas, please see:

  • Wikipedia entry on regenerative medicine
  • ‘A brief definition of regenerative medicine’, Mason and Dunhill, 2008
  • ‘What’s next for stem cells and regenerative medicine?’, Scientific American,